COEX Winter Gallery 2021

A captivating fusion of NFT technology and new media content, delivering an engaging and unforgettable art exhibition at COEX Winter Gallery 2021, Bisanghan.
New media content & Offline Exhibition
8 Weeks


The "COEX Winter Gallery 2021, Bisanghan NFT Art Exhibition" faced challenges in integrating NFT technology, creating engaging new media content, managing logistics and space, ensuring digital security, engaging visitors effectively, handling intellectual property rights, and marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Overcoming these required collaboration, adaptability, and creativity.

  1. NFT Integration:
  • Overcoming technical complexities in integrating NFT technology with the art exhibition.
  • Ensuring the security and authenticity of digital art pieces through blockchain-based NFTs.
  1. Content Creation:
  • Collaborating with artists, designers, and digital media experts to produce high-quality and engaging new media content.
  • Balancing the creative vision of artists with the technical requirements of new media installations.
  1. Logistics and Space Management:
  • Dealing with logistical challenges in organizing a large-scale exhibition at COEX.
  • Efficiently allocating and utilizing exhibition spaces for both offline and new media installations.
  1. Visitor Engagement and Experience:
  • Creating a seamless and immersive experience for visitors between physical and digital exhibition elements.
  • Ensuring technology reliability and user-friendliness to enhance visitor engagement with new media content.


By implementing these solutions, the "COEX Winter Gallery 2021, Bisanghan NFT Art Exhibition" can overcome challenges, ensure a successful event, and deliver a memorable and engaging experience for attendees.

  1. NFT Integration:
  • Collaborate with experienced blockchain specialists to ensure a smooth integration of NFT technology.
  • Implement robust authentication and verification mechanisms to secure the digital art pieces and prevent counterfeiting.
  1. Content Creation:
  • Engage in regular and transparent communication with artists to align creative visions and technical requirements.
  • Assemble a skilled team of designers and digital media experts to ensure the production of captivating and technically sound new media content.
  1. Logistics and Space Management:
  • Conduct thorough pre-planning and space optimization studies to make the most efficient use of the exhibition venue.
  • Employ experienced event management professionals to oversee logistics, installation, and visitor flow during the exhibition.
  1. Visitor Engagement and Experience:
  • Conduct usability testing and obtain feedback from early visitors to refine the user experience of new media installations.
  • Create a cohesive narrative that bridges the offline and digital elements to provide a seamless and immersive experience for visitors.

COEX Winter Gallery 2021


Successful integration of NFT technology, captivating new media content, efficient logistics, and engaging visitor experience at the "COEX Winter Gallery 2021, Bisanghan NFT Art Exhibition."

"The NFT integration and new media content were impressive, and the exhibition's organization and visitor engagement exceeded our expectations, making it a truly memorable event."